Street art, Gare du Nord, Paris.


I landed again  in Paris on a Monday afternoon, with awesome sunny weather. We went to Paris Nord from airport with a hope to catch a train to Amsterdam. I had an idea the tickets per person one way will be around 50 €  but it was sky-high, 99 € per person!! So we tried for bla bla car, I should have write one post on them till now, but wait, it is coming 😀

We booked one, who was supposed to go from Paris word itself, we waited but she did not show up. So, we had no choice but to stay in Paris for a day or two until we found a suitable transport to Amsterdam  🙂  not so bad choice though 😛 two nights more in Paris !! Anyway, we booked our favourite hotel in Paris, (yes it owes a separate post too) and took metro from Paris nord to St Lazare.

While going through the subway for catching metro, as usual, I  looked for “the other Paris “. Here is the  result , I found some unique piece of contemporary art, so I shared with you 🙂  ..




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