My sincere request to new co-bloggers …

Please do not post every 5minutes…  Please .. Content is your key, not the number of posts..

I do not know if anyone enjoy that, but many do not enjoy reading your posts every five minutes… I had to unfollow several blogs for that. It is okay if you post few times a day but do not post 10-20 posts a day. It is annoying  and  Wordpress is not Facebook.  I know some of you may think it attracts your readers and increase your followers, and bring visitors’ flood… but only one thing brings your readers, some good content. Without content it is nothing. If you read a lot and write a post after working for it sufficiently, you will have readers. Believe me, its true. May be it will take some time, but you will get readers. But if you are posting more than 3-5 posts per day, it is understandable that you cannot do justice to each of them. Because, you are not sufficiently working on each post and often the content is poor and incomplete. Even for a photo blog, you need to work for producing a good image and it takes time. So, if you really want to earn attention of many readers, work on quality, not quantity. I try to read posts of my followers and whom I am following, and when someone posts every 5 minutes , I am forced to unfollow them . Wish you all the best. I welcome your comments in this regard.

Lots  of love and hugs. ❤

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89 thoughts on “My sincere request to new co-bloggers …

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  1. I agree with you. It’s better to promote your older posts when they are of good quality than to keep mashing up some quick content of poor quality and excessive quantity.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. By the way, would one post a day be okay?
        I actually have a lot of things I’d written at an earlier date but not blogged them. Is it fine if I blog them and then – one post a day?
        Sorry for any trouble that I might have created…

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Alexia, you are very sweet and your poetry is beautiful. I have nothing against posting them more than once a day. But if you think rationally, why you are posting them here, because you want us to read them, right? So if you post many we won’t be able to read them with great attention and we would skip them. So I think one or two a day would be perfect. But final decision is yours. Hugs

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Thank you so very much 🙂
        You are so very friendly, glad I found you
        I completely agree with your point. Thanks a lot. Seems I’ve found a special friend. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Well said, I have had to un follow at least one fellow blogger which is a shame, as I liked what they had to share, but one day my inbox was blocked by 15 posts……I find 1-3 posts per week sufficient., maybe 1 per day if it is short and as you say ‘meaningful’ Just off to rea your post on Cannes – one place that I have never visited – you could inspire me x

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Angry – gosh no – it was needed to be said, and was not said in a hurtful or spiteful way, a lot of us obviously feel the same, if some people just reigned it in a little I could actually read all that they post – some days I just delete the lot which is a shame x

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I couldn’t agree more and, like you, have unfolded a few who were posting in groups of 5-6 several times a day. Content is most important. As always, quality over quantity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I felt that for quite a long time now, but I was not sure to post about it. I thought it may hurt someone’s feeling. But ultimately I had to unfollow someone today, because she was posting 10-15 posts continuously, and I felt disturbed. I had to unfollow her and I decided it is time to post this thing 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  4. That is truly good advice. I have unfollowed a few posts myself for the same reason. Wish I had the honesty to post some thing like that . You have voiced the opinion of many others am sure !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it will help all of us. Why anyone posts she will definitely want that everyone sees her post. But today I had to unfollow one, because she was posting randomly continuously around 10 posts. So, ultimately her wish to be noticed is fulfilled , but in a negative way 🙂 We definitely do not want that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m sorry? 😥
    It’s true that quality is better and I sometimes post 2 things in the span of half an hour but with challenges I can’t really put it all in one post.. I try not to post too random stuff because, as you said, this is not facebook. My problem is mostly that I just have so much to say that drafts just aren’t working. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess it depends, if you post 1 thing a day during a not so busy hour, you might not get a view, if you post several posts with an hour interval, you’re more likely to get views but people might also get sick and tired of you. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. But that’s the thing.. you can’t please everyone.. Some mind, some don’t mind. I find it annoying so I try to limit myself because of that. Some don’t find it annoying and copy that habit.. But, as you said before, unfollowing someone like that is a good option. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I appreciate your comment and hope that I haven’t spammed you; think I only post 2 or 3 per day! :-), However, there is another side to this…

    I’ve been travelling for 15 months and during this time, have not always had the ‘connection’ luxury to upload content, let alone photos, not to mention I only started with WP this year. So I was forced to write everything in MS Word along the way. Now that I’m stationary for a few months, enjoying the UK, and have my very own wi-fi dongle, I’m madly trying to get as much published before moving on again to Europe with ultimately, sporadic wi-fi – hope you don’t mind.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t have that kind of time and although I’m very behind with my posts, I’m not stuck behind my laptop 24/7 and still enjoying life! 😉

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  7. I blog for many reasons including: a desire to share what I see; an attempt to clarify my photographic vision by working at it every day; encourage myself to create collections with a kind of central meaning.

    I think that blogging more than twice a day defeats my purpose(s) of careful study of what’s around me, how to concentrate my vision and share it. I need time to think about my pictures and it is usually a challenge to once daily.

    I share your concern with blog overload.

    I use WordPress as my vehicle because it is visually clean and lends itself to my style of photography.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I agree entirely. Quality over quantity every time!

    I find it extremely annoying when I go into the reader section of the site and find some blogger had glutted a subject with 10 to 20 short, often meaningless, posts. I’ve had to blog certain blogs from showing up in the reader section because I got sick of wading through their posts in the process of looking for something interesting.

    For myself, I try to limit myself to one or two posts on either of my blogs per week or two. I’d rather put the work into it to make sure a single post has some “Meat on the bone” than to have a bunch of short posts all lacking in substance.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks as I enjoy your posts also!
    I’m still experimenting with the content format as I have a lot of information that needs chunking up and is more for travellers that need transport, food, accommodation and what to see info; but then have reflections/thoughts posts also…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for posting! Great advice. As a beginner, I understand the tendency to focus on blog activity. Thankfully someone else also gave me that same advice. Patience is a virtue. Connection and conversation take time. P.S. I enjoy your site very much!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I think I speak for all new bloggers when I say we faithfully become submerged in the sponge phase. This is the point where we are trying to build a reader base and just figure out how to have attractive content. Thank you so much for this honest post. I’m sure someone needed to hear it besides just me. Not that I’m a chronic poster but it’s always nice to have friendly reminders!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Your post is perfect. I have enough trouble posting once a week to my own blogs, let alone have the time to keep up with someone else’s bombardment of posts throughout a single day. In my opinion, a post once a day should be a blogger’s maximum, unless the very nature of the blog (say news) requires constant attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I had to unfollow a fellow blogger recently and I felt terrible because there was some good stuff in there..just way too much! I took your advice as well btw… ☺️ So , I also have a question for you since you have traveled so extensively..have you ever had any food with squid ink it it? (added on purpose) I’m looking for SOMEONE who has tasted it..maybe even liked it! 👍?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Nice one 🙂 I spend really much time writing, because I want to write it well. I would like people enjoy reading, not getting annoyed 😀 I usually write 1 post a day. Sometimes 0 or 2 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have an aversion to, and an attachment to, Facebook. I don’t like what it’s become, but I need the interaction with others. I have never had much success there posting anything as meaningful as some of my blog posts. They seem to fall on deaf ears on Facebook, where the fast superficial posts are what people seem to want.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. yes, that is why I have disabled my FB , and started posting in WordPress 🙂 Here, nobody knew me, I did not link it with any of my social network and it worked for me fine. Now I really have some talented people around 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you for posting about this. I’ve unfollowed a few bloggers because of this. I understand the enthusiasm of new bloggers, but it can get out of hand.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. This is something I’m very conscious of, as I blog to process my own emotions, thoughts and feelings. So, sometimes when I’m particularly troubled about an issue I’ll write 2 or 3 posts in quick succession, and then feel bad for filling up my followers’ feeds with me, me, me….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sometimes it may happen! But some bloggers do that every 5-10 minutes to attract traffic, which I find kind of disturbing 🙂 “May be they say, it is my blog and I do whatever I want” , but is it? You are writing for you, and you are writing for us ! So, it is nice to write something with good content and original and give your readers some time to read it 🙂
      “you” means any blogger of that kind here


  17. I agree with your point completely. If a person loves to write like I do, over blogging can be a problem that should be avoided—to be polite. For me the solution to that glitch is: three blogs and always writing my next book. I’m working on my ninth novel now. That way I satisfy my love for writing without annoying anyone. Again—excellent point! J. A. Ireland. Author / Cook / Traveler.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. When I had to unfollow a blogger because of this I realized that I sometimes get carried away by attending several photo challenges. I enjoy these photo challenges a lot but three posts at the most is enough. Thanks for reminding me!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I agree that content and quality is the key to an interesting post, and I do try to check all of my material before publication. A the moment I am touring round the west of Ireland, blogging en route, but I have been stuck without wifi in several remote places, so I am publishing when I can. In any case, who has enough time to post multiple times a day? Time to get a life!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I agree. And as you build your followers, it becomes increasingly difficult to read all posts every day. Even getting only weekly notifications I have had difficulty keeping on top of all the blogs I follow. Sadly, I have had to neglect some since the attention I have given them in the past is not reciprocal. I have a nice circle of blogging friends that regularly visit and comment on my posts, for which I return in kind. I think many new bloggers feel this is like Twitter and perhaps for their purposes it will work that way. I must also add here that extra long posts every day discourage a lot of readers. The interest is genuinely there but time is an enemey. Trying to mix short posts among the lengthier topics will keep my interest, if that counts. Thanks for bringing this up.

    Liked by 1 person

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