If I am coming to your city…


Hello/ Hola/ Hej/ Hi / Bonjour ..

Since I have come back from Stockholm last January, this idea keeps coming back to me. I know, there are many factors like you really don’t know me, why would you even think about it , WordPress is just another social networking site etc, etc. But… somehow time to time I feel, I know many of you guys and you know me much  better the the people in our surrounding. On the other hand, I know, we live in a dangerous time. Just reading someones’ blog cannot guaranty your safety…

So in this contradictory situation, what do you think you will do if I am going to your place.. would you simply ignore , or would you give me some ideas about some cool places to hang around or you will meet me up for a coffee?

This is actually a post to be made by my readers … you tell me what is your thought and once I get some, I will rewrite the post incorporating your comments in it… basically you will be my guest post , but in an unique kind of way…  Please put your comments , thoughts and ideas and we will see how the actual post will go.. Welcome ..

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58 thoughts on “If I am coming to your city…

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  1. There are way too many places around here to recommend by blog or email. So of course I’d want to meet you when you come to town! Let me know when.. and I’ll bring you to best place for coffee / tea / chocolate / smoothies, etc 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It doesn’t seem to present a problem. As travel bloggers we want to share our experiences. This must include some notion of advice; where to go, what to avoid etc. Most of us, I’m sure, would consider ourselves experts on our own locale. Why not pass it on? How far one goes in terms of contact is up to the individual. It’s hardly a case that any of us are hermits.

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  3. I came to Cumbria first as a visitor so it’s always a great pleasure to introduce strangers to the history, the people, the life I live here. When you visit anywhere as a tourist it is hard to get ‘under the skin’ and feel what’s it’s like to live there. I’ve been so very lucky to have experienced much of the world through the eyes of friends and love to return the gift.

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      1. I’d take you for a tour of the city, a walk in the river, show you where Bioparc and the City of Arts and Sciences are, and then coffee at a place not in Barrio to Carmen if you were in València.

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  4. I would have no problem sharing info about my place if you were to visit there. Meeting would depend on how comfortable I’ve gotten with someone through communicating via the blog.

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  5. If you come to my city Delhi which am sure you must have ..I shall suggest you some really cool places for you to hang out (i cant step out much these days due to personal commitments), suggest majestic monuments for you to see and taste the delicacies of different cuisines that you ll remember for years 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Interesting preface and question. Blog-only relationships allow a safety buffer. That is how I see it. And how long is that buffer in place before a reader welcomes physical presence? Good question. Myself, I kind of enjoy the buffer. Keeps emotions at bay. Like a low voltage connection instead of high voltage. Only have so many volts to share and there are so many people sharing wonderful things online! I could not maintain high voltage relationships with all.

    That is a unique benefit of the internet. IMHO–less than humble. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It would depend on how familiar I feel with the blogger and whether or not I think we could share some enjoyable time together. I have offered to a number of people who are visiting or considering a move to meet with them. I start with a benign, but friendly location, and see how things go. I have had good experiences. You are welcome in my little spot of paradise.

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  8. I would be happy to share information about my home town if someone were to visit. I think meeting up in person would depend on my gut feeling. I have in fact met 3 bloggers who I regularly blog with, one who was visiting Perth and the others whilst I was travelling overseas (one of whom lives near my parents). All of them were delightful but of course you have to be sensible and if in any doubt I wouldn’t meet up. In two cases we met for coffee and the other case dinner, always in public places. Once my husband came too (just the way it worked out) and the other times I was by myself but my family knew where I was! I think a nice neutral location is the way to go but only if you feel comfortable and no pressure if you don’t (eg if someone pushes you to meet up and you don’t wish to set boundaries! 🙂

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    1. I agree absolutely Rose, I feel if I want to meet , I would choose a shopping mall or coffee bar , where lots of people will be there. Of course few of my coblogger, whom I talk regularly , I would be more comfortable with. Coffee bar is a good option for all 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Something different for you: North Cyprus, pretty unspoiled place, lots of history (Crusader castles), castle in Kyrenia, ruins of Bellapais Abbey outside of Kyrenia (wonderful, SO peaceful), Roman ruins, lovely, unspoiled Karpaz peninsula, old city of Famagusta on south coast, ruins of Roman city Salamas on south coast, and much more. Best of all, the people here are friendly, helpful and hospitable. I have lived here for nearly five years and love it. The traffic is chaotic, best summed up by the term: “the rules are there are no rules” but everyone is very laid-back, no road rage. And yes, I’d love to show you the restaurants stretching out over the Mediterranean, the Turkish-Cypriot food, the low prices. Paradise undiscovered, thank god!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hya. As the tour guide of beautiful historic Penzance I would show you all the hidden places you can’t find on apps and maps. We would stroll leisurely along the promenade and into town and compare the pictures of bygone days to see how little or how much the town has changed. I would tell your about the Spanish, pirates and smugglers that roamed the town.
    Afterwards I would advise you on what to do and how to travel in Penwith.
    Looking forward to meeting up with you

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Very interesting post, you make several good points. I guess that I would run your information through the local PD just to make sure you are safe for me to bring into our home with my family. That is just being honest. I don’t expect anyone to be perfect but you need to make sure a person isn’t a looney toon before you put your family at risk.

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