My first Business class experience ..

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Travelling in business class is totally a different experience, most important part being the crew treating  you as a human being, not just a seat occupying thing ! Sorry about my opinion, sometimes I do see some wonderful hosts, hope they will forgive me 🙂 And I must say, the ground staff of Emirates in Dubai  are excellent , they are helpful, sincere and sympathetic as I see while running for the next flight.


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I do not believe in spending my hard earned money for buying business class tickets of course ! So, it happened due to some miles or just to attract me for another Emirates flight I do not know. But it happened and I prefer to call it as a gift from “travel god” 🙂 I had a six hour waiting before the next flight to Stockholm which I mostly spent roaming around the airport. Dubai airport is quite big and beautiful with endless stores. Ladies , be careful,  all the favourite brands of yours are right in front of your eyes 🙂  I did some window shopping and bought some chocolate dates ,for my boy friend, the special deserts from Dubai.  I had a dinner coupon from the airlines as the waiting was long, I went to the Burger King and had a chicken burger with some fries and an apple pie.

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DSC_0327Then I tried to rest a bit near the probable gate. But I was afraid to sleep, as I was travelling alone. My flight was around 6 am. Around 3 am, they changed the gate and here passengers of the same flight was sleeping  in the seats with long leg rest.  I felt little safe as the person by my side spoke with me, who was from Srilanka and travelling to Sweden for study. And finally I fell asleep only woke up by the boarding call. Now, while checking in, they said your seat has been changed to business class, I was curious and happy, but did not really know till then what the extravaganza was ! Later, I came to know they should have also offered me the business lounge, but I did not bother 🙂

It started with a separate line, I felt so bad as the girl taking care of my bag while I was sleeping was standing in the economy queue and I went to the business class/ first class line and checked in before everyone else. As soon as I got my window seat, a lady came to my side. She was happy like a child getting a present in Christmas! She was my co-passenger Katerina. She was upgraded, too .


Katerina was flying from Sydney to Stockholm, and had similar horrible experience in the previous connecting flight like me.

Yes, I forgot to tell that, the Emirates flight which took me Dubai was pathetic, they served cold food, and even smelly !! They served me and my co passenger last, though we were in the middle, they insisted me to take the “Hindu meal”, though I had never ordered that. Horrible” is the perfect word according to the standard of an international flight. So , I was angry and even told them I am not gonna travel in Emirates again! Katerina had the similar experience in her first flight which was again Emirates. Hopefully, now you would understand why I said the introductory line.

Anyway, both of us decided as we have threatened them in our first flights we are not gonna take their flight, so they have offered us the business class. Katerina was extremely happy ,as it was her first travel in business class, just like me.

DSC_0329So, we both were excited to explore the whole business class thing. We clicked few photos of each other. For the first time, I was happy to get so much area for my leg. Frequent travellers know well how difficult it is to accommodate your poor legs in that tiny little space behind the passengers of front seat 😛  Then we had separate place to put our shoes, and the seat can be adjusted like a bed if you wanna sleep … can you believe it ? then we had a big screen almost like a TV, endless numbers of magazines and newspapers, head rest, wider seats, bigger and fluffier pillows, eye cover, socks and a giant blanket 😀

Then the most polite crew on the earth came to us and asked if we wanted some champagne ! Of course, we wanted 😀  After that they served us whatever drink we wanted. I do not usually drink , so I followed Katerina’s direction. We ordered  virgin mojito which was not that good, and then some red wine. I like to have red wine while flying, but they serve a little bottle. Here, they served it properly and with a collection of nuts and dry fruits ….OMG .. it happens only in fairy tales 😛

DSC_0331And then they served us breads with seasonal fresh fruit. We ordered some more wine, as you can drink as much as you like.. Katerina and I were watching two different movies and discussing our overwhelming luck in between. We exchanged our phone numbers and promised to be in touch. Then another beautiful crew member  came with the lunch menu. I advice Katerina to take sea food biriyani as it was a new dish to her ! I ordered  lamb- ribs with baked veggies  for me. First came the salad with separate dressings in separate small containers. The some nice breads with the mousse, and finally the ribs. The food was delicious and more than enough in amount. We had some fruit yogurt and chocolates as deserts. I had some sleep in the nice “bed in the sky ” and finally when I woke up, I saw the first glimpse of Sweden through the windows . You can see that in the left side .


Overall, I would say they were successful  in their plan, I took my next trip in Emirates flight only. This time I flew in A300 to Paris and it is one flight where you do not need business class. It is the largest flight of Emirates with fine food and quite a space. But that is another story. I would definitely suggest the crew members to be nice and helpful, not only to business class people, but also to the economy class passengers as their airline will fail without the later group.  It is economy class from where the main business comes, as there are not many people who fly business class.. So they should remember , Economy class is the determinant of the air-line’s economy 🙂

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35 thoughts on “My first Business class experience ..

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  1. I think I could do this!!!! Maybe just half a pill for anxiety.. that plush, la-z-boy seat, great food, a movie, a little champagne…yes, I might just be able to get over my stupid fears and do it!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I used to think I was afraid of going down..and turbulence does bother me for sure..but now I wonder if it’s actually more of a claustrophobia thing..I have flown three times in the last two years..very short flights..but this was after 25 (!!!!) years of not flying at all!!! (I’m 53) The real kicker is my dad was in the airline business and as a kid we flew EVERYWHERE- even in small planes! Never had a bad experience either…I will say though, that seating is much tighter now- plus we often flew first class because of my dad’s business connections… Maybe I’m just phobic of anything that’s not first class! Isn’t everyone? -HAHAHA! 😏 I should offer myself up as a case study for Psychology that magazine still in print? 😜

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I know the experience of the first class flight, the service is really amazing experience ,it’s happen when they commit mistake on my seating and they offer me the first class seat that keep my mouth shut for complaining. And I have the best 12hours of flight in my life. It’ took me 3hours to finished my dinners and drinking cognac until I fall sleep and when I woke up I feel so I know the difference .

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My first flight with Emirates was wonderful and I was a very satisfied customer. But flying business class is awesome based on the story that you shared! 😀 i wonder if i will have the same fate in my future travels haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You capture very well the excitement of an upgrade. It’s worth remembering that most of the people in Business Class don’t pay for the flights out of their own pocket while most of the people in economy do. Airline staff would do well to be nice to the paying customers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Writing as one who generally flies in “the back of the bus” or, lately, the only window seat without a window the thing that struck me most was the size of the seat-back video screens!

    It looks like it was a wonderful experience and one I’ll be reminded of on my next 45H seat assignment 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would advice you to select your own seat while booking the ticket, as they try to push the bad seats to you. When I first availed the Qatar airlines, I was new and they gave me that windowless window seat, and legs could not be extended due to some box like structure. So, I scolded them on board and changed my seat to an aisle to have a good night sleep 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well done 😄 😄 I spent many years traveling standby so even a windowless window seat is better than maybe or maybe not boarding !

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Quite an experience! Never travelled business class but I wouldn’t mind 🙂 And the food looks really good! (contrary to economy) You both had some serious pampering but you deserved it! Glad to read you enjoyed it to the fullest!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I am a person who always like to say the right thing. I suffered a lot for that, because nobody wants the bitter truth. But this time, I told them I no longer wish to avail their service, so they offered me business class in next flight. At least once my honest comment paid off

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Very interesting read. I do agree with you that in some airlines, crew do not treat economy class passengers that very well. I have traveled in Emirates and my experience has been pretty good so far in economy class. Even at Dubai airport, crew members are courteous and they offer meal coupon for a longer wait.

    Good that you got an upgrade and enjoyed thoroughly

    Liked by 1 person

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