Tomato green peas korma

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Here I am sharing with you a spicy vegan recipe , which you can eat with rice or roti. It is easy and quick , perfect spicy change for your taste buds. Enjoy 🙂

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11 thoughts on “Tomato green peas korma

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      1. It happened like that, whenever someone reads or likes or comments on or follows my blog, I always visit their blog and read them. But while doing so many times I see, ” this blog is empty” or ” the author has deleted the site” or ” the address is reserved” . Previously I used to wonder, what should I do, but yesterday Cyndy was commenting in my blog, and I was not able to see her, so I replied in her comment saying so. And thanks to that Cindy realised her setting is not allowing visitors to see her blog and she changed it. Now everyone can see her blog. I thought similar thing may happened to you.


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