The creative blogger award ..

cba I have been awarded this award by  Emotional Luggage:  and Donna: Thank you for nominating me ❤

I know many of my blogger friends hate this award culture, but for some of us, it makes us happy. And we all are blogging to make ourself happy in this rude , selfish world. However fucked up we are in the real world, here we are our own kings and queens. Maybe we have not received any award in real life, only have seen more successful people to take the awards and we have clapped for them. So , at least here we deserve some. In blogger world also, not everyone are similarly successful, many of them have great posts but nobody is reading their posts. This award is for them . Thank you 🙂

So here are the rules: 1. Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify the nominees. 2. Post the link of the blog that nominated you. 3. Share five random facts about yourself.

The incredible nominations are:

Five facts about me:  

1. I read extensively and really try to give importance to all the posts from all of my followers and who I am following. 

2. I am against racism .

3. I love reducing my environmental foot prints, I print papers as less as possible. 

4. I am humanist, so I believe females should get  equal opportunities as of males 

5. I don’t appreciate clicking photos of homeless people, specially in third world countries in exchange of little money, and later use them for advertising one’s blog.

Happy blogging 🙂

©, 2015-21. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

32 thoughts on “The creative blogger award ..

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  1. Congratulation for the award. You are one of the most creative blogger I know.Love all your posts.
    And Thank you so much for nomination. Also, They were nice facts. Honestly I didn’t know people click photos of homeless people in exchange of money!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for nominating me as well!! I feel honored to see my name on your list. I can’t believe you never won anything before, as you’re very talented, and it’s something easy to see from your posts. Keep writing and have a lovely weekend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on your creative blogger award! You deserve it! Loved reading your facts! So true what you’re saying: lots of blogs with great content aren’t even read….So grand of you to dedicate your award to them. You have a big heart! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awards are good to discover new people and new blogs, and it’s true, it’s a shame that some blog don’t get a lot of traffic. Doing guest post are awesome for that, it also allow to promote other bloggers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Basically you write something on the blog of someone else. There are two ways of doing it. 1) the author of the blog invites you as a contributor, and you can publish a post on her/his blog 2) you write a blog on a word file, and the author publish it for you. Both ways are great !

        Liked by 1 person

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