

Bio: Hi there ... I have always wanted to travel!!! After all we 've got one life right ? and I wanna spend it knowing the world. And what is the better way to know the people than to travel ! While doing that, I came to know myself much more than I thought I knew about who I am. I am a dreamer !!! a singer… a painter,,,, a cook… a foodie… a friend… a shopaholic ..a traveler.. That’s who I am. ...So I started writing about it. I also wanna go to a bunch places in my journey's ahead. I am gonna plan them and ask your advice as well here. 😉 So come and join my travel boutique.. And after 5 years of travel photography and travel-writing and reading many of the related blogs,I believe I can offer an unique thing here, I can photograph any place to their best. After travelling 23 countries in 5 years, I realised, any place whatever small or insignificant they look like, they always have something to offer. Here I have described several places like that taking out the best of 'em. So, enjoy 🙂 . If you want to buy any photo with actual dimensions, contact me : thegreyeye14@gmail.com Copyright notice: All contents in this blog (except those with source declared) are the property of the blogger/author. Please do not copy without prior permission from the author.

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178 thoughts on “About

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  1. Great to meet another fellow traveller on life’s highways and byways. I wouldn’t be half the person I am had I not travelled so much and worked, studied, been loved and loathed in so many places. If you are like me though the quest is problematic.
    : I spend my life thinking: “What’s next? Where’s next?” It’s like a drug – only much more expensive and the high lasts for ever! I enjoy reading your blogs – long may you continue.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahahaha that was me when i first got nominated. well, visit the link in the comment and there you will find my post and in my post you will find the rules for receiving the award but there is one thing i can’t seem to figure out yet and its’s how to display the award logo on my blog if you know please tell me other than that good luck.


  2. Thanks for the like on my recent post, I truly appreciate it 🙂 Maybe next time you must to go to Indonesia, specially West Sumatra 😉 Enjoy with your travel, cheers.. 🙂


  3. It was a treat to see parts of Italy and France that I didn’t get a chance to see through your photographs! Definitely need to make my way around Europe again! Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There will be more, but you can go back and see the older posts also. I think you will like them. And I am following you now, so I will be able to see what you are posting as well 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoyed walking through a few of your posts – I will be traveling like that in a few years (retirement is coming soon)! In the mean time, I am following your blog to keep up with some more of your adventures. Great site you have here!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks so much for alerting me to your difficulty accessing my blog. I guess it doesn’t make sense to invite folks to visit if I don’t have a “front door!” HAHA 😜 I was able to figure out what the problem was and I think I fixed it.. Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, yes. I was unable to see your blog yesterday night. Now I can see. It happens sometimes, but I cannot do anything for them. But as you were commenting in my blog, I was able to connect you through my reply 🙂


  6. Love your concept, the “travel boutique”! Can I use it too?! 😉 Thanks for dropping by my blog and introducing me to yours too.. I’ll be following your journeys, images and posts. Safe and fun boutiquing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Glad you liked my post on Potato Salad. Looking forward to checking out your blog to see if we have visited some of the same places.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice! As a former student in France, I tried to visit as much of the country as possible. I did visit a bit of southern France, though not south of France entirely.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. First of all you blog name is very nice ” life as we see it ” .
    Second of all WOW!! You’ve been to lot of countries , that’s awesome ! I wish to travel the world some day but I am so happy to see the world through your blog . Thank you for following me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi! Thank you again for the nomination; I’m very glad to be inspiring people somehow! I want to answer, but as this is the first time i’m doing so, one doubt came up: should I copy the florwery logo and use it in my thank you post with my indications? Tks again!

    Liked by 1 person

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