Dachau concentration camp memorial site…..

[The following media may contain sensitive material]


Before writing this post, I thought many times, if I should write it or not. If I should share photos or not. Many people think it is inappropriate to click and share photos for such a sensitive place. So I was wondering …


Many days passed since I visit Dachau .. Since that time, many destructive incidents took place in my concurrent world , there were paris attack, killing in Syria, bombing in  Beirut and Baghdad, keeping hostage and killing in Mali , killing a doctor for performing immunisation in Pakistan , to name a few! Every day innocent blood has been shed .. And I realised not knowing is not the solution. We cannot keep our eyes shut until it is our turn. So I decided to do this post. Even if only one person becomes aware seeing this post, decides such cruelty should be stopped at any place, at any time, realises ” never again” , then I have done enough.



Now, I won’t be able to express the pain and hollowness in my heart I have felt in this memorial.. I won’t write anything, I only want to share some pictures of the place where thousands of souls are resting.

Way to Bunker

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East wing of the Bunker, closed for the visitors.



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Memorial museum



















Prisoners’ bunk



Prisoner toilet


Catholic mortal agony of  Christ Chapel
Jewish memorial


Russian Orthodox Church
Death chamber 1: see the false shower heads and small opening for inserting gas in the room
Fumigation chamber
New Crematorium













Rest in Peace ,the victims of Dacahu  Concentration camp, we remember you.




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89 thoughts on “Dachau concentration camp memorial site…..

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  1. I have been haunted by this awful time in history since I first learned about this as a kid. It has never left my mind and unfortunately mankind did not learn from it’s darkest hour. This is the reason why I believe either God doesn’t exist or he has turned his back on mankind. Thank you for this most important post!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you too for reading it. I think we human are the greatest power against evil. Still now several war going on, still now we do not know whether it is true what media is showing about Syria.


      1. Actually, I dismantled all of my blogs but I am still a reader of yours. I have blogged for many years and decided it was time to…. well, I don’t actually know yet but I will figure it out.

        You have an outstanding blog that I continue to follow. Keep up the good work!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for your kind words. I always have so much going on in my head, it’s possible some of it could make it’s way into another blog! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing those photographs. My dad went on a trip to Poland a few years ago and visited Auschwitz. He said it’s a place he had always wanted to see but once was enough for him. He was twelve when the second world war ended and remembers being shocked as a young boy at what had taken place in those camps. It’s still going on today, in one part of the world or another.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for this post. I visited Dachau on a gloomy day in December 2008 and have very emotional memories of my visit. I visited with a colleague and his wife and after the visit while in the bus to get back to Munich, we couldn’t say a word as there were no words that could express the extent of our emotions and sadness. I have since visited a number of Jewish Museums and Shoa Memorials and they are as poignant as ever….A tragic time for certain.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for finding the courage to post this. It was hard to read but more importantly had a meaningful message people should understand. I still can’t fathom how so many people in this world can lack complete compassion.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing this. I visited the camp in May, 2015. It was extremely moving – very disturbing. At the same time, I’m glad I went. I’ll be doing a couple of posts on the visit in the coming weeks on my blog. I’d love to hear your insights.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for sharing this. I visited the Holocaust Museum in Melbourne and was shown around by survivors of the Holocaust. I left the place with a very sad feeling. Such gross atrocities must never be repeated but now, the world is facing a new kind of threat.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree wholeheartedly. I love discovering history everywhere I go. I haven’t been to Dachau, but this year we are taking our kids to Auschwitz during our visit to Poland. I will take my camera too…

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I did my bachelors in Krakow, Poland. I must say this, you should visit Auschwitz.The sheer size of Concentration camp is overwhelming, and it was a day i will never forget and everyone should try to go at least once in their lifetime. I think no matter how hard it would be it is an experience that needs to be taken, they all need to be remembered and respected.
    I was deeply affected 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much for sharing.

    As a Jewish person in England, I’m appalled – both at the recent rise in antisemitism in Europe, and at people ignoring this. So, this year, am going to call it out: online, in real life etc. Never again 😢.

    Best wishes xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. I never knew they are again doing the same mistake. But I can tell there are many kind of divisions in Europe. Being a brown skinned I faced racism few times. Recently one lady from England in ice hotel, just reversed her chair in front of me, and put her back to me. I didn’t realise at first, then I was angry and then I laughed. If she just knew, I get request every day from England to practice medicine there. But the incident is definitely thought provoking. If an old lady keeps so much hate in her for just skin colour, then how far people may go in the name of religion. I am very proud of my skin just like Jews or anyone are proud to be themselves. So, this incident acted as a metaphor to me. And I realised once more how much we need to awaken the people, the humanity in them.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve been two times in Dachai : one in 1986 with my mother when I was studying German in Munich , another time two years ago with my daughter of 15 years old & a couple of friends. Different times but same feeling …. sadness & the same question : how all this could have been possible??thanks for sharing , remember is caring 🙏 do not forget is a must for the next generations just read about it on books it’s not enough.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are absolutely right. Recently I was watching a video in YouTube on Dachau, and I was surprised by people’s comments. A guy said no gas chamber death happened in Dachau and it is propaganda. I saw the gas chamber by my own eyes, and it is hard to believe that it was only for show!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Amazing !!! when I visited the first time 39 years ago, there was a mountain of glasses, hair, clothes & shoes ….it was really unbelievable to see how many people lost their own personal things before entering in the camp 😪😪😪

        Liked by 1 person

  10. This is not a post to ‘like’ as such however very well written and put together. A moving traumatic read and brought back memories of my visit to Buchenwald years ago. You come back from such a visit a changed person. Deeply moving.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for sharing those photographs. I read about Auschwitz of Poland, saw the movie Schindler’ list,feeling unexplainable pain whenever l see these type of news and photographs . We can pray and remember those souls died on those camp.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It is truly sad what “humans” can inflict on other humans, when they consider them disposable, inferior or substandard. Thank you for sharing. Another location that everyone should visit is Ground Zero in Hiroshima. That brought us to tears in 1985. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to, definitely will go some day!
      If you come to India do visit Yaad-e-Jallian which tells the audience about the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at New Delhi. It will give similar experience.


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