The little mermaid and her creator..


” Just living is not must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower” -H C Anderson.

Statue of Hans Christian Anderson near Copenhagen city hall

As a child as well as growing up, fairy tales have been part of my life, they just changed their perspective is all. Even before I knew about Copenhagen, I knew about  Hans Anderson and his fairy tales since I was 5 years old. I still remember the brown Hard-Covered book with the stories of  “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Nightingale”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Little Match Girl”, “Thumbelina”, and many others. The stories were of different tune… some were pretty sad to me and some were inspiring. The story of ugly ducking was favourite as sometimes I did face differences from the herd. The story of the little mermaid always made me sad, as someone can do as much in love! At that time, love was probably  defined in that kid’s mind as ” they lived happily ever after ” ! Time changed and I grew up.. we  all do. I sometime thought, aren’t we all sometime> that ugly duckling, some time the little mermaid or sometime the selfish snow queen and some time a great friend like Key and Gerda!



We had to walk a lot from Nyhavn to see the little mermaid .. but thanks to my husband we made it. It was the Christmas day, around 5.15 pm 🙂 already dark typical of Scandinavian winter. The path is not well lit and kind of scary. Still so many people from so many countries of the world gathered to see the iconic statue of Copenhagen.

I read many inhabitants of Copenhagen vandalise the beautiful statue to protest against many issues time to time. However, the story says how she craved for human love and if that were to be true, many souls from far away countries do the justice by showering unconditional love to her.. I wish the city will take better care of the mermaid in future…



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15 thoughts on “The little mermaid and her creator..

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